There are lots of generous bloggers out there who are hosting giveaways to celebrate their blogging anniversaries, reward loyal followers or celebrate reaching a certain number of followers. Whatever the reason for a giveaway may be, I'm always happy to enter and I'm sure you are two :-) Here are the giveaways I currently have my eyes on:
Oooh, Shinies! is celebrating having lots of followers by offering the winner of her giveaway the prizes pictures below:

A Day in the Life of Dollface... has reached 500 followers and is celebrating by offering you the chance to win a $40 gift card for Sally's Beauty Supply or the entire China Glaze "Vintage Vixen" collection!

Alice in Polishland wants to thank her followers for being so supportive and welcoming her to the blogging community. She's hosting a back-to-school mini giveaway with the following prizes up for grabs:
*Olivia Writes...* has reached 300 followers and wants to celebrate by giving one of her followers the prizes pictures below:
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