Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hi girls!

Sorry I've been quiet this week! When I said I was going to be on holiday, what I should have said was that I'm on holiday in my family home where the computer is over 10 years old and therefore very sloooooooooow so when it takes me half an hour to check my email account, blogging just isn't a viable possibility :-(.

Rest assured, I have lots of manicures to show you and I need to thank several people for awards and tags they have passed on to me. I also need to catch up with all your blogs! I miss reading them and leaving you comments!

I will definitely be back on the blogging track early next week, if not sooner.

Bye for now,


  1. We miss you, but enjoy your holidays! :) Can´t wait to see your manis :D

  2. Hope you're having fun! Can't wait to see you back!

  3. Take your time and enjoy your vacation!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  4. @Lady Pink, aw, thanks :-) I missed you too!

    @Thenailaholic, thanks! My holiday was pretty good :-)

    @Marie, thank you :-)


Reading your comments makes my day, leave me one to have your say :-)